UX/UI - App and Web Design
V1 Transport by App

Leading the new design of app V1.


V1 is a platform of transport services by application, being a regional reference in Vitória, Brazil.

The V1 solution allows you to call a driver for a trip with complete safety and convenience, rent a car of your choice or subscribe to a brand new car.

V1 is aimed at people and companies and brings together more than one service on its platform, business scalability and expansion to new regions in Brazil.

How to redesign the V1, an already established brand, but now as a mobility platform with more services and for a new audience?

Bold Challenge

Reformulate V1 as a product and service to meet market opportunities and new business guidelines. In addition to corporate customers (companies), V1 now also serves natural person. Create a mobility platform, with 3 transport services. UX Design is an important part of this construction.


  • Build a new V1 from the customer's point of view.

  • Redesign the V1 app as a platform, adding new Rental and Subscription services.

  • Standardization of the app and sub-systems according to the V1 brand.

  • Improve application interface and other channels for better usability and user experience.

3 Services on Platform

1 V1 - Trip

2 V1 - Rent a Car

3 V1 - Car Subscription Service

My role

  • UX | User Experience

  • UI | User Interface


  • 1 UX/UI

  • 1 Front-end Developer

  • 2 up to 8 Back-end Developers

  • Up to 2 Project Manager

  • Employees from other areas

  • 1 client for each service


  • Daily Meetings

  • Brand Research

  • Customers Research

  • Persona

  • Competitor Analysis

  • Workflows

  • Mind Maps

  • Product Pattern

  • Wireframe

  • Prototype

  • Handoff Document or Manual

UI Tools

  • Sketch App

  • Adobe XD

  • Invision

  • Zeplin

  • Power BI

  • Overflow

  • Xmind


Over 2 years, there were 3 phases, with an average of 4 weekly sprints:

  • 2 weeks for UX

  • 2 weeks for UI

How was V1 before?

Initially created as a mobility solution for corporate transportation, exclusively for contract employees.

The previous scenario was:

  • Exclusive service for companies.

  • Existence of a hybrid application based on an obsolete platform.

  • Low usability and few technological resources and functionalities.

  • Absence of brand standards.

Straight to the point
Lean UX

Oriented to Lean UX, a methodology that prioritizes agility with less deliverables and with a construction focused on the client user experience.

In the development of V1, we act as a squad, where UX, developers and product speak the same language.

New Technologies
Innovation for business performance and better user experience

Gathered the development and technology teams for a survey based on brainstorming and the study of the main current technologies, which was the best in user experience combined with information security. Used benchmarking to compare the main competitors.

Artificial intelligence for better route definition

Optimize and customize pricing based on user behavior

Map user request and flow and deliver it to the driver's app

For rent, lock and unlock the doors directly from the cell phone

Access to car data, all controlled by the operation center

When renting, request delivery of the car at the customer's location

Analysis and Research

Research for V1 users

Conducting quantitative and qualitative research. In the opportunity, we gathered V1 users, such as the internal team, V1 drivers and some customers.


Created the initial proto-persona based on hypotheses, due to the absence or low amount of information about customers and also based on research and meetings held with users and internal collaborators.

Took the opportunity to register:

  • The need to develop a mechanism for collecting richer data about customers via the app or other contact points on the journey.

  • And also about crossing with other market databases to ensure consistent and true data, in order to combat fraud and duplication.

Business value
Register user opinions

About the non-digital side of the V1 product, the main values ​​related to this type of business were observed: Safety and Quality. So, some opportunities and improvements were listed. See the examples:

  • To the driver, maintain care in appearance and hygiene.

  • Arrival at the customer's location on time.

  • Accessibility (customers who need more care).

  • Customer can indicate another passenger (third person).

  • Approach and communication of the driver inside the car or also outside (via chat, in this outside case).

  • Arrive at the destination and offer support for disembarking or removing luggage, if necessary.

  • When renting, offer delivery service by app, delivering the car to the customer's location.

Flows always helps

Performed the review of the main processes. With business team, defined the main flows of the most important tasks for each service that users perform in the application, such as:

  • Call a driver for the trip.

  • Schedule the rent.

  • How to subscribe.

Defining processes and designing them is a fundamental step in this construction, as it helped to map the possibilities of user actions in the application and bring an overview of all the screens necessary to achieve the user and business objectives.

Wireframes and Prototypes

After defining the main flows, design the wireframes and the interaction between the screens before moving on to high fidelity and the visual components.

Visual application


Following the basic design principles regarding component standards, I defined the V1 user interface elements at this stage of the project.

Colors, typography and icons definition, based on Brand Book V1.

Creation of a manual to guide the application of the patterns and behaviors of the components on the screen.

E-mail notifications

Before, V1 did not have a standard model for sending notifications (e-mail and SMS).

I created new HTML / CSS templates for emails and other notifications.

From there, I started studies to apply UX Writing, reviewing the terms and texts used.

New product

New experience. New results

+ 177%


In 6 months, an increase in the number of daily trips from 900 to 2,500.

+ 170%


In 6 months, growth in monthly revenue from R $ 1 million to R $ 2.7 million.



Release of the V1 Car Rental with 6 models and the V1 was expanded to 6 other cities.

Easier. More attractive

Where begins

V1 Trip

Rout and Pricing

Track your trip


Car's models for rent

Date and time for rent

Searching V1's drivers

When is an eletric car

Car Subscribe

Track your Subscription

All your subscriptions

+ Gains also on physical product

In view of the important values ​​for the customer, we apply them to the business and the product.

These points made the V1 brand a regional highlight, since we are based on a user-centered model.


When the V1 arrives at the customer's location, the driver gets out of the car and opens the door, leading him to the entrance and assisting when necessary. And when reach the customer's destination, open the doors again.


Own and trained drivers, new fleet, applied technology and monitoring are points that directly contribute to greater customer confidence.


The V1 fleet is its own and always renewed. They are new cars, cleaned and sanitized daily. In addition, we apply electric and/or hybrid cars with clean energy.

Lessons learned

"The V1 was challenging. I like that."

  • The product with a platform concept, supporting more than one service/business was a challenge for me. The challenge is to understand that, even though it is a single brand with 3 services, V1 could have 3 or more different audiences.

  • In this project, I started some actions in tests with users in a more personal way, where I even involved the drivers (I also worked on the App project for drivers).

  • Another lesson was the importance of the design documentation for this project. The work still goes on and I realized that changes are constant.

  • About listening to users, I learned the relevance of the internal V1 team. So, I involved the internal areas a lot to opinions and insights, as well as the technical IT team, bringing possibilities for new technologies.

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